TICKETING Terms & Conditions
Tickets sold or issued by the National Theatre are subject to the Live Performance Australia (LPA) Ticketing Code of Practice and to the National Theatre Terms and Conditions of sale. Any person purchasing a ticket or attending an event agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.
• All transactions are in Australian dollars.
• National Theatre ABN is 7800 7306 283.
• This is a tax invoice.
Ticket Sales & Collection
• Tickets purchased online will have the option of printing their own tickets to present at the performance for admission, or presenting ID to collect tickets at the performance.
• Box Office opens 45 minutes prior to most performances. Tickets ordered by phone will be either posted within 24 hours or emailed via print at home or left at the theatre for collection prior to the performance.
• Concessions must be Australian issued and valid at the time of booking.
• Proof of concession may be required to be provided to gain access to the venue or event if being admitted on a concession ticket. Failure to provide valid proof will result in an upgrade fee on that ticket.
• Lost ticket vouchers can be arranged by contacting the Box Office on 03 9526 4611. Please note lost ticket vouchers cannot be exchanged.
Refund & Exchange Policy
• All ticket purchases are non-refundable except in the following circumstances:
• if an event is cancelled, rescheduled or significantly re-located.
• All refunds due under the above policy will be made within seven days of cancellation of the performance.
• If a refund is made the National Theatre reserves the right to retain any service (or equivalent) fee it has charged.
• Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.
• No exchanges or refunds will be made to tickets purchased so please check time, date, price and performance carefully before completing transactions.
• Exchanges, where permissible, are subject to conditions and fees. A change in the personal circumstances of the purchaser does not entitle the purchaser to refund or exchange on the ticket.
Post-Show Surveys
• Ticket Purchasers may be sent a post-show survey about an event they attended as well as information about an upcoming event by the same presenter
• At the promoters discretion; Patrons may have to wait for a suitable time to be seated or may be denied entry if late to a performance.
• There may be no refund.
• Latecomers may not be allocated to their designated seat or area until there is a convenient break in the program or at interval.
• Doors off the street open 45 minutes before a performance. Doors to the Auditorium open 20-30 minutes prior to a performance
Scalped Tickets and Resales
• Tickets cannot be sold by any means at a price greater than the purchase price of the ticket.
• Scalped tickets may be cancelled, and the ticket holder may not be permitted entry.
• Tickets are only valid when purchased through an authorised agent.
• Patrons are not permitted to on-sell any tickets within the foyer or on the National Theatre premises.
• Tickets for performances and events are valid only when purchased from an agent authorised by the National Theatre to sell or distribute tickets.
• Tickets may not, without the National Theatre prior written consent, be on-sold or offered for sale at a premium, offered as a prize or inducement, packaged or otherwise used for advertising, promotional or other commercial purposes.
• The national Theatre reserves the right to cancel any ticket sold or offered for sale or otherwise provided or distributed in breach of this condition, without refund to the consumer.
• Any persons who are drunk, threatening, unruly, use foul language, disrupts a performance or deliberately fails to follow staff instructions will be asked to leave the premises.
• Theatre Management reserves the right to refuse admission to the theatre or request the holder of a ticket to leave the theatre and to take appropriate action to enforce this right.
• There may be no refund.
Film and Photography
• The use of photographic or recording equipment, including mobile phones, is prohibited. Mobile telephones, pagers and all electronic devices must be turned off before entry into the venue’s auditorium.
• In most cases you will be advised prior to the show if this is the case.
• Persons may be asked to destroy or delete any film or photographs or audio – and may also be asked to leave the premises.
• If photography is permitted, please do not use your flash as it can be a distraction and dangerous for performers on stage.
• The National Theatre or promoter reserves the right to record, broadcast, telecast or webcast any event.
• Patrons must have a valid ticket for the correct performance and retain it throughout the performance.
• The right is reserved to vary, substitute or withdraw advertised programs, artists, venue and seating arrangements as necessary.
• All gangways, passages, aisles and staircase must be kept entirely free of any obstructions including patrons. Babies or children < 2 years may be admitted to the performance free of charge (sitting on a knee). This may vary from performance to performance. Please check first.
• A child that has been admitted free of charge must not occupy a seat.
• Should the baby or child become disruptive, the parent may be requested to leave the auditorium with the baby or child.
• No prams or capsules permitted in the auditorium.
• MOTORISED WHEELCHAIRS exceed the weight limit of the stair climber and cannot be admitted into the auditorium. The venue must be contacted for further options.