Brenda Clarke – This is what I looked like back then!
My Earliest Recollection of The National
I was one of the Saturday students at the church in Toorak and then later when the classes moved to the National Theatre in St. Kilda. As a teenager I loved catching the train from Glenroy, then tram down Toorak Rd. to meet up with everyone. Classes were exciting for me as I knew this was the beginning of my theatrical journey.
Joan Harris taught some classes, I was full of excitement and curiosity. I was always asking questions: “What do we have to do this for”? in regards to vocal warm ups. Joan was brilliant, and as a working actress at the time, gave very real answers and reasons for why/what we were doing! I’m sure I drove her up the wall, but she was always caring and sharing her knowledge.
Transfer from Toorak Church to St. Kilda at The National Theatre: It was very early days, when they were literally dividing the building into two. The theatre above: joining the balcony to the stage area and the studios below, which were just beginning to be framed up.
Of course, we were told in no circumstances to go anywhere near the construction upstairs, as it was very dangerous. This caught my curiosity and when no-one was looking made a dash up the back stairs onto the stage area. In the pitch dark, I managed to carefully walk D.S towards the open auditorium and right before me was this HUGE gap in the floor, where I could see right down into the space below. “Mind The Gap” springs to mind!
Now I know why they said don’t go up there! I suppose I was one of the very few people (outside of the work crew) that could see the potential of this new development. Once my eyes became used to the dark, I could see the balcony theatre seats spread out before me. It was all very scary but exciting at the same time.
After spending a few moments standing in the dark, I quickly made a speedily exit back down the stairs.
It would be marvellous to see photographs of other students around this time, as I don’t even think we had a group photograph taken at this time. (some hopefully may have some images of us at the church in Toorak).
Fond memories and great training that has been with me all these years working in Film, Theatre and Television both in Australia, UK and West End. Brenda Clarke