On This Day…Thursday 5 December 1935
At a preliminary meeting, held in the lounge of The Victoria Centenary Club
There were present some sixty persons, representing a wide diversity of Organisations… At the request of Mrs Britomarte James (President of the Victoria Centenary Club), the Hon J Hume-Cook JP FAIS, too the Chair.
After a few preliminary remarks, the Chairman asked Miss Gertrude Johnson, the Convenor of the Meeting, to move the resolution THAT IT IS DESIRABLE TO ESTABLISH, IN MELBOURE, A NATIONAL THEATRE
Miss Johnson spoke at some length, and her remarks were enthusiastically received.
Mr Theophilus Roberts formally accepted the motion, which was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The second resolution That an Association of those present be formed to promote the establishment of a ‘National Theatre’ in Melbourne; that it be called The National Theatre Movement, Victoria…
In answer to a question asked by Mr Roberts, the Chairman indicated that as Miss Gertrude Johnson was the convener of the Meeting, and of subsequent preliminary meetings, she was automatically The Founder of the Movement.
A constitution committee was then formed and the draft approved unanimously at a subsequent meeting on Monday 9 Dec 1935.
It was to be recorded in the minutes that the Theatre for which the Movement was established was to be “From the People, To the People, By The People.”
The above content is drawn from the meeting minutes of 5 December 1935 and 24 February 1936.